Exporting 135 * 100cm vacuum compression bags to Japan helps us solve the problem of messy clothing at home, making organizing easy and fun! It is also very simple to use, just put the clothes into the bag and gently press them, the air will be sucked away, and the clothes will instantly become super thin! In this way, not only can we save a lot of storage space, but we can also prevent moisture and dust, protecting our beloved clothes as essential items for home storage! Not only is it beautiful and practical, but it can also make your home tidy. The size is 31 * 17.5 * 4cm, and the weight is 361g, with 55 bags per box
Touchable screen outdoor gloves
$5.00 $1.00
Musca Children's Cartoon Jumping Rope 2.15M
$2.80 $0.30